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Solid State Electronics & Photonics Domain Electives

The future is leading to technologies involving billions of transistors on a chip, beyond megahertz logic to gigahertz logic, beyond gigahertz analog to terahertz analog, to new optoelectronic systems for processing information, even toward computational systems with billions of analog processors, comparable to the number of neurons in the human brain.

Solid state electronics encompasses the study and design of the physical systems that allow these advances to be made. This includes the study and design of electronic materials for novel devices, and nanofabrication of nanoscale devices. Photonics combines physical electronics with light. It spans from the generation or emission of light, through engineering the manipulation of light for communications or information processing, to detection of information carried by light. Solid state electronics and photonics ranges from the design of VLSI circuits to the study of the impact of a single layer of atoms on the electronic properties of a device; from the study of light emission from laser diodes to the design of solar cells for converting optical energy into electrical energy; from the engineering of novel electronic materials to the design of processes for manufacturing integrated circuits.

ECE elective courses (3 credits each)

  • Semiconductor Process Technology (ECE 5031)
  • Surfaces & Interfaces in Electronic Materials. (ECE 5033)
  • Lasers (ECE 5131)
  • Photonics (ECE 5132)
  • Fund. of Semiconductors for Microelectronics and Photonics (ECE 5530)
  • Photovoltaics & Energy Conversion (ECE 5832)
  • Organic Conducting Devices (ECE 5833)


  • Solid State Microelectronics Lab (ECE 5037): 4 credits
  • Photonics Lab (ECE 5137): 0.5 credits
  • Photovoltaics Lab (ECE 5237): 3 credits