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ECEMeetUp: Help Ohio State STEM Outreach


The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Outreach All-Star, Dr. Betty Lise Anderson, is looking for alumni volunteers to help her introduce STEM principles to hundreds of kids at the Starry Night Art and Science Fueling Imagination event at Westerville North.

Get all the details and RSVP here:

The department is manning a table for elementary school kids to come by and make a jumping jack toy (an electromagnet jumps in the air when you connect the battery).

We typically get several hundred kids in a steady stream, often five or six at a time, so it’s all hands on deck! Even if someone can only come for an hour to two, it would really help us out. People can pick it up on the fly, no worries.

Dr. Anderson spearheads STEM Outreach to the tune of connecting with over 15,000 prospective Engineers in grades K-12 since 2008 to introduce them to the wonder of Engineering and attempt to spark an interest that might be hidden within. An excellent example can be viewed:

Please stop out to Westerville North for an hour or so and help spread the awesome experience of STEM to kids!